Protect and develop
The UNESCO Elbe River Landscape Biosphere Reserve comprises one of the last near-natural floodplain landscapes with characteristic species as well as valuable cultural landscapes along the Elbe river with numerous historical elements. Humans have used and shaped the floodplains and banks of the Elbe and its tributaries over long periods of time. Over the centuries, this has resulted in a diverse mosaic of habitats, parts of which are still home to an astonishing variety of habitats and species. This includes numerous endangered and endangered animal and plant species.
In accordance with the International Guidelines for the World Network, UNESCO biosphere reserves have three main areas of responsibility:
- Protection of the ecosystem and biodiversity
- Preservation and restoration of natural and near-natural ecosystems
- Safeguarding genetic resources and the diversity of ecosystems
- Sustainable use of our natural resources such as water, soil and air
- Preservation and development of diverse cultural landscapes
Sustainable development
- Promotion of sustainable business and lifestyles
- Nature-friendly land use with consideration of regional characteristics
- Testing environmentally friendly, innovative technologies
- Production and distribution of environmentally friendly products
- Environmentally and nature-friendly tourism
- Development of regional value chains
Education and research
- Communicating sustainable lifestyles
- Education for sustainable development, promoting the experience of nature
- Public relations, practical information
- Promotion of interdisciplinary research in the ecological, social and economic fields
- Long-term ecosystem research and environmental observation (monitoring)
A key instrument for implementing the biosphere reserve concept is the zoning of the large protected area in accordance with the UNESCO criteria for the recognition of biosphere reserves. Accordingly, a biosphere reserve is divided into core, maintenance and development zones.
In the core zone, nature is allowed to develop without human intervention. The maintenance zone contains valuable protected habitats of the historic cultural landscape, which must be preserved through extensive use and maintenance concepts. The development zone - the living, economic and recreational space for people - takes up the largest share of the area. - a. Balanced, environmentally friendly regional development is being implemented here.
The biosphere reserve administrations of the participating federal states are therefore working together with their partners to improve habitat quality, particularly in the areas of the maintenance and development zone, by implementing nature conservation projects.