Tourism contacts in the region
The UNESCO Elbe River Landscape Biosphere Reserve is the largest inland biosphere reserve in Germany. With its vast expanse along more than 400 kilometers of river, it offers a wide range of opportunities to experience nature and culture in the five federal states involved.
On the following pages we have listed the most important tourist contacts in the regions for you.

Region all of Saxony-Anhalt
Travel destination from the Harz to the Elbe

Altmark-Tangermünde region
Altmark Regional Marketing and Tourism Association

Magdeburg-Elbe-Börde region
Magdeburg Tourism Association Elbe-Börde-Heide e.V.
Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg region
Tourism association "Welterberegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg e.V.
Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom region
The tourist information office is located at Wörlitz Castle.
Lower Saxony
Lüchow-Dannenberg region (Wendland)
Tourism Association Holiday Region Wendland.Elbe
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
City of Boizenburg/Elbe
Information about the city and surrounding area
Mecklenburg-Schwerin region
Mecklenburg-Schwerin Tourism Association
City of Lauenburg / Elbe
Tourist information of the shipping town of Lauenburg/Elbe